Every March here in Santa Monica is a design and architecture event called CA Boom. Unfortunately, CA Boom seems to have gone by the wayside in the last couple years which makes me sad. But before the babies, Tere and I walked the exhibition floor gathering up new ideas and generally checking out all the cool things designers were doing. We would also go on a home tour – an inside look at some of the most amazing houses on the Westside of Los Angeles.
Just before the babies were born, I realized that they would be about three weeks old for the next CA Boom. I really wanted to go and for some reason, Tere said ok. As the day approached and in my usual “what’s the best way to do this?” fashion, I started to realize we needed a plan. I knew we couldn’t keep loading and unloading a double stroller onto the little tour shuttle. Everyone pointed me to the Pump Station – they would have a solution!
I showed up there on a Thursday and they could clearly see I had no idea what I was doing. They showed me the only carrier that could be used with twins – the Baby Pouch Sling. To call it a baby carrier to my untrained eyes seemed ridiculous. It was just one long piece of cloth! The woman proceeded to show me how to wrap myself in this thing and then put both babies inside. I was awestruck and completely scared out of my mind at the same time. What if that big knot came loose and the babies fell out??!?! Read More