I love all the new, exciting foods coming out of Iowa and our country overall. Amazing time to have a love affair with American food and the natural, healthy, organic American food business.
Some Prosciutto Fans Turn to Iowa
NORWALK, Iowa — The decision came down to this: Would people buy prosciutto from a guy named Herb from Iowa?
“It was a crazy idea, but we didn’t think it was a stupid idea,” says Herb Eckhouse, the Herb from Iowa who spent some anxious years weighing that question. Racks of raw pork rolling into the refrigerated chambers around him suggest the answer.
It is Wednesday, salting day, so Mr. Eckhouse is preoccupied with the central task of making his prosciutto: coating the carefully trimmed hind leg of a pig with sea salt. “This is kind of the key time, so we want to make sure it’s done right,” he says. READ MORE
Awhile back I posted another New York Times article about Carl Edgar Blake and his award-winning Iowan Swabian Hall Pig. He also showed up on the Colbert Report with a couple of his little piglets. Stephen Colbert holds a piglet and eats prosciutto at the same time!