Hmmm…I love yard sales. I love my iPhone. Match made in heaven!
YardSale iPhone App
Do you like buying new, or slightly used, goods through the Internet on the cheap? Getting sweet deals for buying local instead of through big box? Finding vintage and/or old stuff you had no idea you needed? Of course you do. We’re not going to discount the fact that Craigslist has pretty much replaced the standard garage sale, but that website sucks. If you have an iPhone, there’s a better alternative–YardSale. Download the free iPhone app, let it get your location and then start searching for cool shit. Everything from fanny packs to bicycles to Wacom tablets to projectors is all within reach of your fingertips and pickup on your bike. It’s also built for the iPhone: geo-location, update sliding, plenty of pictures, good navigation and the list goes on and on. It’s like the official Craigslist app that never existed… except it’s better. $FREE