Den.m Bar in Downtown Los Angeles
Bespoke EVERYTHING is all the rage these days and I LOVE IT! Can’t get enough of it. I signed up for Bespoke Post and got my first product email today - it’s SALT - brilliant, awesome salt that Tere and her chef girlfriends are going to oooh and aaah over. It’s going to be awesome.
I find that although I’m not a GIANT or have three arms or anything, my body type is slightly more unusual than the usual fare at the mall. I love to be comfortable and don’t think I should suffer for beauty. To that end, I’m always looking for someone who is making clothes for ME and not for every woman on the planet.
This is where the den.m bar comes in. I’ve posted about them already from some swanky site but now you get my bird’s eye view of it as I walk through their process. First off, I emailed them about 10 days ago and Derek emailed me back fairly quickly to let me know that because of recent demand, he couldn’t set an appointment for a couple weeks. We emailed into the evening as he burned the midnight oil on his new business. Sure to his word, he emailed me about a week later to let me know we could set a time this past Saturday.
I arrived on time to Steve who quickly helped me walk through all the options that lay before me. I was measured, leg widths and lengths were discussed and soon Steve was swiping my credit card on the store’s iPad.
And now we wait for them to be made! I will be back soon to tell you how they turned out - with PICS!!