These are funny…do you think I’ll get in trouble if I plaster them all over the office?
Rules of Work Poster Set
Stop us if any of these things haven’t crossed your mind while at the office. “Think before printing… and sleeping with co-workers.” “Nothing good comes from hitting ‘reply all.’” “If it’s really funny it’s probably harassment.” Unfortunately, we don’t all work at Dunder Mifflin or in an Alec Baldwin run office where we can get away with whatever we want. We consume caffeine like our iPhone eats its battery. We double and triple check e-mails involving the boss, but somehow still manage to CC: him on the “God, he’s an idiot” e-mail we thought only went to the work wife. It’s all shit we deal with on a regular basis and Division of Labor gets it. Their Rules of Work poster set includes five posters that outline things you should either be aware of or want to say to the lady down the hall that schedules 10 meetings a day and asks dumb questions. If you hang it over your desk you’re not actually saying it. $50