Oh I love Cindy Adams’ cynical look at the new same-sex marriage law that will go in effect this Sunday in new York! So timely with the blog I wrote today about gay/lesbian/same sex divorce. :)
Not a gay old time
by Cindy Adams (New York Post)
Sunday, New York’s first day for same-sex marriages, brings a new rendition of that old wedding song. It’ll now be: “Here comes the bride … here comes the bride …" Officiants will say things like: "Do you, Stanley, take this man, Myron, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
That’s in two days. In one day, forget barbecues. Instead of picnicking, lawyers are having a real picnic. What they’re grilling are betrothees-to-be. We’re talking prenups. Not like who gets the dog, the apartment, the steady weekly Brazilian wax appointment. Now it’s who gets the child? They’re sharing makeup? Who gets the mascara?