Parent Teacher Conferences
When did school become so hard? And pre-school none the less! Isn’t pre-school just about finger paint and jungle gyms? Isn’t Kindergarten just about learning how to get through the morning without a nap? I barely remember pre-school and I went longer than most – two whole years. I have a January birthday so my parents decided to wait until I was 5.5+ to start Kindergarten. Most kids had their first taste of school when they hit Kindergarten and it was a rude awakening that some grown-up in the front of the room actually wanted you to line up and stand still!
Now we live on the west side of Los Angeles and EVERYONE is obsessed with starting their kids in school as soon as possible. There are videos to teach your baby to read and flash cards for numbers. When did we become this way? When did someone decide that teaching their kid to read and do math before Kindergarten was a GOOD idea? When did our aggressive pursuit of advancement extend to squeezing our children’s free-wheeling little brains and spirits into pre-determined silos of thinking and behavior? READ MORE