Coffee, coffee, coffee!!!
Rival Bros Coffee
We can’t remember the last time we turned on the Food Network or Travel Channel and didn’t see something about a show involving cupcakes or food trucks. (Yes, we’re man enough to admit we occasionally enjoy both of those channels for the culinary contributions to our nightly meals.) They’re everywhere. Combine that whole back-to-the-roots, small batch production mentality to coffee and you’ll end up at Rival Bros. Started in Philly by the famous chef Jonathan Adams and artisanal coffee expert Damien Pileggi, Rival Bros is everything Starbucks should have been from the beginning–small batches of coffee custom selected, combined and roasted with an almost obsessive attention to detail. If you live in Philly you can pick up it made fresh from their “food” truck. If you don’t, order it online and brew it yourself. The coffee is so good you won’t even want to put booze in it. $12+